New Families
We are excited that your family is joining the DC Community!
This page contains helpful information and useful links to assist you in your transition and to help you prepare for the upcoming school year.
We recognize the transition to a new school requires many details, so we are here to help! Please direct any questions you have to the Admissions Office at (610) 353-6522 x2285 or by email at
Back to School 2024 - Save the Dates!
Click on each division tab to see the first two months of events.
Early Childhood Center
For all calendar dates, please visit our calendar page.
ECC Open House (Grades PK2-K)
Lower Campus
ECC (PK3-K) Noon Dismissal
DC Family Picnic (UC)
Upper Campus
DC Dedication Service
Turf Field
ECC Parents BooHoo Breakfast
PK2 Noon Dismissal
ECC/LS Back-to School Night
Lower School
For all calendar dates, please visit our calendar page.
LS Open House (Grades 1-5)
Lower Campus
DC Family Picnic (UC)
Upper Campus
DC Dedication Service
Turf Field
PK2 Noon Dismissal
ECC/LS Back-to School Night
Middle School
For all calendar dates, please visit our calendar page.
MS/US New Student/Parent Orientation
MS/US Open House
DC Family Picnic (UC)
Upper Campus
DC Dedication Service
Turf Field
MS Fall Sports Begin
US/MS Athletics Parent Meeting
Middle School Back-to-School Night
8th Grade Retreat
all day
8th Grade Retreat
all day
MS/US Picture Day
all day
UC "See You at the Pole"
Upper School
For all calendar dates, please visit our calendar page.
Mandatory Pre-Season Practices for Varsity & JV Golf Only
Mandatory Pre-Season Practices for Varsity & JV Golf Only
Mandatory Pre-Season Practices for Varsity & JV Golf Only
Mandatory Pre-Season Practices for Varsity & JV Golf Only
Mandatory Pre-Season Practices for Varsity & JV Golf Only
Mandatory Pre-Season Practices for All Varsity & JV Sports
Mandatory Pre-Season Practices for All Varsity & JV Sports
Mandatory Pre-Season Practices for All Varsity & JV Sports
Mandatory Pre-Season Practices for All Varsity & JV Sports
Mandatory Pre-Season Practices for All Varsity & JV Sports
US Student Leadership Retreat
Mandatory Pre-Season Practices for All Varsity & JV Sports
Mandatory Pre-Season Practices for All Varsity & JV Sports
Mandatory Pre-Season Practices for All Varsity & JV Sports
Senior Portraits
all day
Mandatory Pre-Season Practices for All Varsity & JV Sports
Senior Portraits
all day
MS/US New Student/Parent Orientation
Mandatory Pre-Season Practices for All Varsity & JV Sports
MS/US Open House
DC Family Picnic (UC)
Upper Campus
DC Dedication Service
Turf Field
Freshman Launch
US Retreat (Grades 10-12)
Freshman Launch
US Retreat (Grades 10-12)
US/MS Athletics Parent Meeting
Freshman Launch
US Retreat (Grades 10-12)
Senior Portraits Make-Up Day
all day
Senior Parent Meeting
Upper School Back-to-School Night
MS/US Picture Day
all day
UC "See You at the Pole"
Expand the links below to learn about specific policies and procedures for each academic division as well as the many ways you can plug into the DC school community.
- Early Childhood Center
- Lower School
- Middle School
- Upper School
- Opportunities to become involved in our school community
- DC Dictionary - glossary of often used names and acronyms
Early Childhood Center
The Lower Campus Office can be reached at or 610-353-6522 x1514.
Please notify the Lower Campus Office of your child’s absence before 9:00am by calling 484-654-2400 x1514.
Parents may email teachers directly for missed assignments. Parents who need to take students out of school during the day must come to the Lower Campus Office to sign them out and must also sign them back in upon return to school.
Each week students enjoy a special chapel time. Students participate in chapel as a class and host special programs. If you are planning to attend, please check with the office for special events and schedule changes. Your students teacher will communicate the times when your child’s class is presenting throughout the year.
EXCEL After School
Students are provided with a safe place to stay and play after school. It is ancillary to the school program and designed only for children currently enrolled at DC. Please visit the Early Childhood Center pages for more information about Excel After School.
ECC students must be picked up at dismissal time or registered in Excel After School. Students who are not picked up by 3:30pm will be taken to after school care.
Lunch & Recess Schedule
The students will eat lunch in their classroom.
Outdoor Learning
Students participate in a variety of field studies and visit our outdoor learning spaces regularly. Students learn stewardship by caring for the various aspects of the school grounds including vegetables, sunflowers, and butterfly gardens.
Pick Up Patrol
This service automates end of the day transportation, while giving you the convenience and flexibility you need to make changes to your children’s plans.
STEM education is an approach to learning that integrates the concepts found in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. STEM lessons incorporate 21st century skills of problem solving, critical thinking, collaboration, and communication. Students will build foundational skills through active inquiry and exploration. Building on a natural sense of curiosity, our youngest students will be encouraged to create, problem solve, and investigate as they make real world connections to new learning.
For the safety of our students and school community, the Lower Campus has secured buildings. All visitors must sign in and out via the main office when visiting school.
Lower School
The Lower Campus Office can be reached at or 610-353-6522 x1514.
Please notify the Lower School Office of your child’s absence before 9:00am by calling 484-654-2400 x1514.
Parents may email teachers directly for missed assignments. Parents who need to take students out of school during the day must come to the Lower School Office to sign them out and must also sign them back in upon return to school. A Pre-Excused Absence Form is required prior to a student being absent for 2 or more days for a planned event. Please refer to the DC Student and Parent Handbook for more details.
DC Aftercare
Homework help is provided daily for care and enrichment after normal school hours. It is ancillary to the school program and designed only for children currently enrolled at DC. Please visit the Lower School pages for more information about DC Aftercare.
Each week students enjoy a special chapel time. Chapels are held Wednesdays for grades 1 - 2 and on Fridays for grades 3 - 5. Students participate in chapel as a class and host special programs. If you are planning to attend, please check with the office for special events and schedule changes. Your students' teacher will communicate the times when your child’s class is presenting throughout the year.
EXCEL After School Clubs
As part of our EXCEL after school program, there are many after school enrichment programs available including: chess, school newspaper, robotics, street hockey, nature explorers, cooking, and more. These generally take place immediately after normal school hours.
Lunch & Recess Schedule
Lunch varies from class to class; first and second grades have lunch at 11:30am and recess at 12:00pm. Fifth grades have lunch at 12:00pm and recess at 12:30pm. Third and fourth grades have lunch at 12:30pm and recess at 1:00pm.
MyDC (Blackbaud)
MyDC gives families with students in grades 3-5 online access to academic information including assignments, grades, and progress reports. With your unique ID and password, you can view academic records for your student. Other users cannot access your family’s information. You can log in at
Outdoor Learning
Students participate in a variety of field studies and visit our outdoor learning spaces regularly. Students learn stewardship by caring for the various aspects of the school grounds including vegetables, sunflowers, and butterfly gardens. Fourth graders monitor and care for our bluebird trail.
Pick Up Patrol
This service automates end of the day transportation, while giving you the convenience and flexibility you need to make changes to your children’s plans.
STEM is an integral part of the science curriculum taught once a week to grades K-5. Students learn the engineering design cycle, and apply critical thinking skills to solve real world problems.
For the safety of our students and school community, the Lower School is a secure building. All visitors must sign in and out via the main office when visiting school.
Middle School
The Middle School Office can be reached at 610-353-6522 x2275.
All student absences and late arrivals are to be reported through PickUp Patrol by 8:45am. If your student is absent or will be arriving late to school, the PickUp Patrol is the application you need to use to communicate your students’ attendance to the Middle School office. Your student is to sign in at the Middle School Office upon arrival.
All student plan changes and dismissals are to be reported through PickUp Patrol by 1:30pm. In order to communicate to the Middle School Office, your students’ transportation and dismissal plan, parents are to make their changes in PickUp Patrol in order for their student to depart from campus.
After School Activities
The Middle School day ends at 3:00pm Students are to be in the Library by 3:15pm doing their homework until they leave campus. All MS students must be picked up by 5:30pm. MS students should not be anywhere else on campus, unless they are involved in an after school club or sport.
Middle school students have many choices when it comes to after school sports. We offer fall, winter, and spring sports teams. In the fall we offer flag football, soccer, field hockey, and cross country. The winter season offers basketball and cheerleading, and the spring season has lacrosse, track & field, baseball and softball. Most sports offer a more competitive "A" team and a slightly less competitive "B" team. The majority of sports are inclusive, but some do have cuts. All of the DC coaches have a passion for young people and a desire to see them Honor God, Develop Character and Pursue Excellence. Middle school students are required to participate in one school sport per academic year.
Blackbaud (myDC)
With your unique Blackbaud ID and password, you can access your student’s academic records, homework assignments, and family accounting information. This information is private and is not available to other users.
Cell Phones
DC desires for students to invest themselves deeply in community life during their classes/advisories, community gatherings, and lunchtime. We hope to see our students grow in their ability to be fully present with others, being attentive, engaging with one another with intentionality. Cell phones are collected each morning and returned to students at the end of the school day. Emergency calls can be made to or from the Middle School office.
Middle School Chapel is on Fridays at 10:55am. Parents are always welcome to attend chapel. On occasion chapel will be moved to another day of the week depending on the schedule. Check with the middle school office for the official chapel schedule.
The school directory including current families, students, and school faculty and staff can be found in the myDC (Blackbaud) portal.
Fine Arts
God, the “master artist,” has used men and women to nurture students’ dramatic, musical and visual art training. Our highly dedicated faculty provide space for our students to explore while also stretching them in skill and technique. Student artists are taught to recognize the discipline and dedication needed to truly honor God with their craft. Our students are encouraged to pursue a variety of mediums, with the opportunity to follow a specific sequence of courses to truly develop their artistry.
Grading System
Report cards are recorded on a letter grade system. Numerical equivalents:
F=59% or below
The top three points in each letter category, except F, receive a plus(+) and the bottom three receive a minus(-).
Honor Code
I will be honest.
I will be responsible.
I will be respectful.
I will practice servanthood.
Honor Roll
The Honor Roll is determined at the end of each report period located on the bottom left of your student’s report card. An average of A or above is necessary for highest honor, A- for high honor, and B for honor. A student is not considered for the honor roll if he/she has a grade lower than C- in any subject or more than one C in any subject.
ALL Middle School students are required to have their keycard on their person during the school day. A replacement keycard will cost $25.
Students will be assigned lockers and combinations. Students are responsible for the care of their lockers.
Students eat lunch daily in the Student Union and have the option to purchase food or bring their own lunches. Students must pay for their purchases through their MyPaymentsPlus account. Learn more about our food service program. No provision is made for refrigeration. Students should not use glass containers for their lunches.
The school day begins at 8:15am and end at 3:00pm. Our schedule is an A/B Day block with 4 classes meeting everyday for 75 minutes on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday and 70 minutes on Thursday and Friday. Student schedules can be viewed via myDC (Blackbaud).
Summer Reading
Each middle school student will be required to read teacher assigned books from his or her grade level as part of the summer reading program. Most books are provided by DC.
Please remember that all visitors must check into the Main Office Reception area in Lowrie Hall in order to receive a visitor’s badge. This badge must be worn during your time on campus.
Upper School
The Upper School Office can be reached at 610-353-6522 x2205.
If your son or daughter is sick or will not be in attendance on any given day, use Pick Up Patrol and submit any changes to your student’s attendance. Absences, late arrivals and early dismissals are all recorded here. Please send an email to if you are having trouble with Pick Up Patrol. You should send a note with your student when they return to school with the reason for the lateness or absence. Their absence is marked unexcused until a note/email is presented. A Pre-Excused Absence Form is required prior to a student being absent for 2 or more days for a planned event. Please refer to the DC Student and Parent Handbook for more details.
Arrival and Dismissal
Please have your student sign in at the Upper School Office if he/she is late to school in order to receive a pass to class. A note from a parent/guardian is required when signing in late. Similarly, if your student needs to leave school early for a doctor’s appointment or other reason, be sure to update Pick Up Patrol and we will inform teachers concerning early dismissals. Sports team dismissals do not need a note. Please see the DC Student and Parent Handbook for clarification on excused & unexcused absences.
Upper school students have many choices when it comes to after school sports. We offer fall, winter, and spring sports teams. In the fall we offer football, soccer, field hockey, cross country, tennis and golf. The winter season offers basketball and cheerleading, and the spring season has lacrosse, track & field, baseball, and softball. All of the DC coaches have a passion for young people and a desire to see them Honor God, Develop Character, and Pursue Excellence.
Blackbaud (myDC)
With your unique Blackbaud ID and password, you can access your student’s academic records, homework assignments, and family accounting information. This information is private and is not available to other users.
Cell Phones
DC desires for students to invest themselves deeply in community life during their classes/advisories, community gatherings, and lunchtime. We hope to see our students grow in their ability to be fully present with others, being attentive, engaging with one another with intentionality. Cell phones are collected each morning and returned to students at the end of the school day. Emergency calls can be made to or from the Upper School office. Please refer to the DC Student and Parent Handbook for more details regarding cell phone use.
Upper School Chapel is every Thursday in the DeMoss Auditorium. Students sit with their assigned advisory groups.
The school directory including current families, students, and school faculty and staff can be found in myDC (Blackbaud) portal.
Fine Arts
God, the “master artist,” has used men and women to nurture students’ dramatic, musical and visual art training. Our highly dedicated faculty provide space for our students to explore while also stretching them in skill and technique. Student artists are taught to recognize the discipline and dedication needed to truly honor God with their craft. Our students are encouraged to pursue a variety of mediums, with the opportunity to follow a specific sequence of courses to truly develop their artistry. Take advantage of our fine arts program and plug into Upper School band, choir, visual arts and/or theatre.
Grading System
Report cards are recorded on a letter grade system. Numerical equivalents:
F=59% or below
The top three points in each letter category, except F, receive a plus(+) and the bottom three receive a minus(-).
Honor Code
As a student at Delaware County Christian School, I commit to pursuing a life of honor and integrity that is characterized by honesty, respect for all people and property, gratitude towards my parents, teachers, and peers, and responsibility for my actions. My commitment to this code reflects my respect for the mission and core values of Delaware County Christian School, and the calling of the Christian to glorify God in all things.
Honor Roll
The Honor Roll is determined at the end of each report period located on the bottom left of your student’s report card. An average of A or above is necessary for highest honor, A- for high honor, and B for honor. A student is not considered for the honor roll if he/she has a grade lower than C- in any subject or more than one C in any subject.
All upper school students are required to have their keycards with them at all times during the school day. Replacement keycards are $25.00.
Students will be assigned lockers and combinations at Orientation Night. Students are responsible for the care of their lockers.
Students eat lunch daily in the Student Union and have the option to purchase food or bring their own lunches. Students must pay for their purchases through their MyPaymentsPlus account. Learn more about our food service program. No provision is made for refrigeration. Students should not use glass containers for their lunches.
The Schedule
The school day begins at 8:10am and ends at 3:00pm. Wednesdays have a different start time of 8:40am. If students participate in the fine arts program, their day may begin as early as 8:00am on Wednesdays. Individual student schedules may be accessed via myDC (Blackbaud).
Student Drivers
Parking spaces are limited. Student drivers must have a parking permit to park on campus. Permits are obtained through the Upper Campus Parking Form.
Summer Reading
Each upper school student will be required to read the assigned books listed on the website according to his/her grade and course level. The summer reading books are provided to the students by the school. Pick up your summer reading books in the Upper School Office. Remember to check the website for any assignments due before the school year begins.
Please remember that all visitors must check into the Main Office Reception Area in Lowrie Hall in order to receive a visitor’s badge that is to be worn during your time on campus.
Opportunities to become involved in our school community
Whether it’s volunteering in your child’s classroom, joining a parent prayer group, attending special events on campus, or supporting our arts and athletics programs through the Friends of the Arts and Athletic Boosters, there are many ways to participate in community life at DC.
A number of our annual events and volunteer opportunities are described below. Additional offerings will be detailed in our weekly DC-Connect email communications.
All-School Chapels are held at Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Easter. This well-loved tradition at DC provides a special time of worship for our entire school community. All alumni, parents, grandparents, and friends of DC are invited to attend. All School Chapels begin at 8:30am in the gymnasium at the Upper Campus.
All parents of DC athletes are considered to be a part of the Athletic Booster organization. A Booster parent leadership team coordinates all volunteer activities and raises extra funds to support athletic program.
The Benefit for DC
The DC Benefit is an annual event that brings our community together to celebrate the school and raise funds for academic enrichment, extra-curricular enhancements, and strategic initiatives.
Please join DC’s Head of School and various administrators for coffee and a time of fellowship and discussion on select mornings throughout the school year.
Join the entire DC Community for a Family Picnic followed by a Dedication Service which features a time of prayer and praise and new employee testimonies. This event takes place during the first week of school and is a long-standing tradition at DC.
DC Friends of the Arts supports students and faculty in all areas of the arts because we believe that God-given creativity is to be celebrated and nurtured in every student, all to His glory. Friends of the Arts (FOTA) accomplishes this through volunteering, promoting, fundraising, advocacy and prayer.
The Fund for DC raises $1.3 million each year from individuals and families within the DC community to support the operating needs of the school, ensuring among other things that we can maintain our beautiful campus, provide generous financial aid, pay competitive salaries, and keep tuition costs at a reasonable level.
GrandFriends Days are highlights of our school year. The school hosts three separate events: 1) An Upper Campus event for GrandFriends of middle and upper school students usually held in October, 2) An Early Childhood Day for GrandFriends of early childhood students usually held in October, and 3) A Lower School event for GrandFriends of lower school students usually held in April. Volunteer opportunities and sign-ups will be communicated by the Parent Volunteer Organization (PVO).
Homecoming takes place in the autumn and lasts for three days, welcoming the school community and alumni to come together for various activities including middle school and upper school athletic contests, Powder Puff football game, Alumni recognition, food, and fun games for youngsters.
DC moms are encouraged to join our Moms in Prayer group that gathers weekly at both our Lower and Upper Campuses to pray for the needs of our school community.
The Parent Volunteer Organization work within all three of DC’s academic divisions (Lower, Middle, and Upper) provides opportunities for parents to assist teachers and staff both in and out of the classroom as well as assisting with special school sponsored events.
DC Dictionary - glossary of often used names and acronyms
Association of Christian School International
This organization serves Christian schools across the United States and around the World. DC has had a close working relationship with ACSI for many years and a number of our Heads of School have served on the national board of ACSI.
DC's Upper School Athletic Program participates in the Bicentennial Athletic League.
The Benefit for DC
The DC Benefit is an annual event that brings our community together to celebrate the school and raise funds for academic enrichment, extra-curricular enhancements, and strategic initiatives.
DC Athletic Boosters is a group of DC parents that supports our outstanding DC KNIGHTS athletic programs. Its purpose is to help raise extra funds and serve in various capacities to assist our athletic programs. Every parent once enrolled is invited into the DC Boosters program!
Blackbaud (MyDC)
MyDC is DC’s online portal for students and parents. Students and parents can access the DC school directory, class assignments, grades, and announcements.
DC is a member of The Council on Educational Standards and Accountability. This organization exists to motivate, support, and hold accountable Christian schools that aspire to superlative academic standards, institutional best practices, and collaboration with like‑minded schools.
DC-Connect is a weekly email sent to all current parents, faculty, and staff that contains important news and information for members of our school community.
The Pennsylvania Educational Improvement Tax Credit (EITC) allows businesses and individuals to earn PA tax credits when they contribute to a scholarship organization like DC.
FOTA supports students and faculty in all areas of the arts because we believe that God-given creativity is to be celebrated and nurtured in every student, all to His glory. FOTA accomplishes this endeavor through volunteering, promoting, fundraising, advocacy, and prayer.
The Fund for DC provides unrestricted monies that bridge the gap between tuition revenue and ongoing operating expenses like salaries, curriculum, campus maintenance, technology and financial aid. The practice of generous giving through The Fund for DC is long-standing, and we continue to marvel at the Lord's faithfulness in meeting our financial needs.
Google Workspace for Education
Google Workspace for Education is a special setup of the popular Google Apps, tailored specifically for educational institutions. Every Middle and Upper School student has an Google account.
A school-wide Honor Code is implemented across all three academic divisions in developmentally appropriate ways and provides clear expectations for student conduct with the express goal of shaping our community around positive, aspirational goals and reinforces DC’s core values of Scholarship, Excellence, Servanthood, Community, Impact, and being Rooted in Christ.
The Junior/Senior Formal takes place each May. The junior class is responsible for planning this event.
The Liverpool Soccer Club is a DC parent run travel soccer program for boys and girls ages 8-14.
Lowrie Hall is the former Strawbridge family mansion located on the Upper Campus. It is named after Dr. Roy W. Lowrie, Jr. who served as DC’s first headmaster from 1954-1980.
The Keynoter is DC’s biannual publication for current families, alumni, alumni parents, and other friends of the school.
The Knight Tones are a select vocal group composed of upper school students.
Magnus Health
Magnus Health SMR (Student Medical Record) is a web-based software solution used by DC that collects, manages, and securely stores student health information. Magnus Health is HIPAA compliant and FERPA compliant. Parents can access Magnus Health through their myDC account.
One Call Now is a telephone and email messaging service used by DC to quickly reach parents with urgent school news such as school closings, delays and early dismissals.
Pickup patrol
This service automates end of the day transportation, while giving parents the convenience and flexibility to make changes to their children’s plans. Parents are sent a personalized login invitation at the beginning of the school year.
As a parent of DC you are a part of our parent volunteer organization. All parents are encouraged to participate in the PVO. The PVO carries out our core values as we serve our faculty and students. It is a great way to get involved and meet other families and students.
The Pennsylvania Interscholastic Athletic Association is the state organization that governs all athletic activities of public schools. Private schools may join and thereby participate in all state playoffs. DC joined this organization effective September, 2002. DC is a member of the BICENTENNIAL ATHLETIC LEAGUE.
SAIL - Schools for Applied and Innovative Learning
SAIL provides opportunity for students to engage with authentic problems and current issues, and to develop the agency to work toward solutions that impact their communities and the world for Christ. SAIL courses are grouped into three different schools: the School of the Arts, the School of Humanities and Entrepreneurship, and the School of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM).
Teaching for Transformation (Tft)
TfT is a framework for the creation of authentic, formational learning experiences that are rooted in a Biblical worldview and align with the mission of DC. Learn more about DC's implementation of TfT.
The U SHOP sells gently used uniforms and school spirit wear and is located in Lowrie Hall on the Upper Campus.
Lower School
Middle School
Upper School
We recognize the transition to a new school requires many details, so we are here to help! Please direct any questions you have to the Admissions Office at (610) 353-6522 x2285 or by email at