Alumnus of the Year
The Alumnus of the Year award is designed to highlight the work of our alumni across the globe as they live out DC's mission to educate students who will serve God and impact the world through biblical thought and action. Take a look at honorees from recent years.
- Open to alumnus/a who have graduated at least 10 years prior to the nomination year
- Must have a clear Christian commitment, including involvement in their church
- Must contribute to society in a significant way (this could be in a broad range of areas: occupational, church/missions, etc.)
- The alumnus/a and his/her family should be a positive testimony to the Lord
Selection Process:
- Nomination period is open to the community
- Submitted nominations are reviewed by the Alumni and Advancement Offices
- Top five nominees are reviewed by the Executive Team
- Finalists are notified to request their approval to move forward in the process
- Finalists are voted on by the alumni counsel and faculty and staff
- Alum of the Year is announced prior to the DC Benefit