Instrumental Arts
Research shows that students who diligently study to learn how to play a musical instrument will reap benefits in other academic pursuits. In addition, students playing in large ensembles gain real life experience in the required 21st century skills of collaboration and cooperation to produce results.
As Christians, we know that music is a unique gift from God to man, and we are instructed to learn to produce music skillfully so we may return that gift to God in worship.
DC offers a concert band program 4th-12th grade, as well as instruction on piano at both the Middle and Upper School levels.
Upper School
Students in grade 9-12 may choose band as an elective. Students at this level are expected to have gained at least a moderate level of proficiency and musical independence. Private lessons, while strongly encouraged, are not generally required for participation. Students play for the Upper School Christmas Concert, All School Chapels and Spring Band Concert. The band takes a 2 day trip in the spring to minister at other schools, attend a concert and/or an adjudicated event. Qualified band students are encouraged to audition for PMEA District Band and Orchestra. Upper School students may take piano lessons during a free period in their schedule, or outside the school.
Middle School
Students in grades 6-8 combine to form the Middle School Concert Band. Lessons are required for participation in band and are offered on campus by qualified instructors during the school day. Students may take their lesson outside of school if preferred.
The band plays for the Middle School Christmas Concert and the Spring Band Concert. In the spring, students participate in a Music in the Parks music competition. The band has a history of bringing home first places and superior ratings in these events.
Students in Middle School may take piano lessons as a pullout, or before or after school.
Lower School
The foundation of the instrumental program begins at the Lower School. Third grade students study the recorder. In 4th grade students may choose to learn a band instrument. Small group lessons are provided once a week, and students also have a band experience in 4th grade. Fifth grade students continue small group instruction and participate in regularly scheduled band rehearsals. Students participate in the Christmas Concert and the Spring Band Concert. Students also have the opportunity to perform in Class Chapels, at a local nursing home and in a special Recital Chapel. There is an annual fee for lessons.
On campus piano instruction is offered after school for Lower School students.