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DC Hall of Honor


Hall of Honor Nomination Form

Step 1: Select Nomination Category

Please select the category your nominee best fits:required

Step 2: Review Eligibility Criteria

All nominees must be of good character that reflects the qualities, mission, and values set forth by Delaware County Christian School. Before proceeding, please read the eligibility criteria for your chosen category carefully and ensure your nominee meets all the criteria. Criteria will display below after a selection has been made in step 1.
An individual nominated in this category must be a graduate of Delaware County Christian School. The nominee in this category displayed excellence through their medium: performing arts, visual arts, media, or creative writing. The candidate must be a graduate of ten or more years in order to be eligible. The nominee must continue today to live out the mission of DC and display godly character.
An individual nominated in this category must be a graduate of Delaware County Christian School. The nominee is not required to have been a four-year participant but must have participated in one full season of a sport at DC. The candidate must be a graduate of ten or more years in order to be eligible. The nominee must continue today to live out the mission of DC and display godly character.
Coach/Advisor of Club or Activity
An individual nominated in this category must have coached or mentored a sport or activity at DC for a minimum of five years. These five years may include more than one particular activity. The nominee cannot currently be playing an active role in the area where they are being nominated. The nominee must continue today to live out the mission of DC and display godly character. 
Parent/Community Member
An individual nominated in this category will be considered based on a one-time or long-term investment in serving DC and leaving it better than they found it. Investment can be identified monetarily or, as importantly, through volunteerism and/or participation in activities that directly impact the growth of the school's advancement efforts. The nominee cannot be a current DC parent. The nominee must continue today to live out the mission of DC and display godly character.
An individual nominated in this category must have taught, held a leadership position, or worked as an administrator at DC for a minimum of twenty years. This individual should have exhibited an exemplary professional and personal life as an educator in the DC Community. The nominee cannot be a current employee of DC and must have retired or left DC for a minimum of one year. The nominee must continue today to live out the mission of DC and display godly character. 
A group of individuals nominated in this category are ones who left a positive mark on the DC community. Nominees in this category are not limited to only those who have won championships or honors. They are not identified only as athletic teams but could include groups like Robotics, Hi-Q, or the cast of a particular performance. They could be a team that overcame great physical, mental, or spiritual odds. The candidates must be a group of individuals who are graduates of ten or more years in order to be eligible.


Step 3: Provide Nominee Information

Nominee Namerequired
First Name
Last Name
Is your nominee deceased?required
Please list the team or teams you would like to nominate i.e. 1972 Varsity Field Hockey Team.
Please list the year(s) this individual or team was involved at DC.
any information that would help us contact the nominee
0 / 2000

Step 4: Provide Your Information

Your Namerequired
First Name
Last Name