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2024 All-School Thanksgiving Chapel Recap

By Sam Dixon ’25, Communications Prefect

Thanksgiving is truly a remarkable time of the year as it calls each one of us to reflect not only on God’s goodness and abundance in our own lives but also on the countless ways that He has provided for our school over the past 75 years. Our annual All-School Thanksgiving Chapel is a lovely event that kicks off the holiday season here at DC, gathering together students K-12, faculty, staff, parents, and alumni. The chapel took place on Tuesday, November 26, and began with the amazing Upper School Concert Band performing “Amazing Grace” as a pleasant interlude, followed by Chad Fenley, Middle School Head, who delivered a heartfelt welcome and opening prayer. Next, the fifth grade chorus sang the Battle of Jericho, accompanied by Mr. Matt Jones, followed by a time of praise and worship led by eleventh grade English Teacher and Upper School Worship Leader, Mr. Brendan Michael. Afterward, two fifth graders, Owen Amann, and Olivia Varghese shared meaningful memories and individuals in their lives for which they were thankful. This time of testimony exemplified how faithful God is in all parts of our community—it is always a blessing to hear from our lower school students. Next, our first and second graders proudly recited Psalm 100, a quintessential Psalm of Thanksgiving and praise. Following this, were more testimonies from eighth graders, Emmy Reigner and Uduak Umoh, and seniors, Kaylani Barnes, and Sam D’Antonio, also expressing their feelings of gratitude and appreciation for the Lord. In response, Student Life Prefect, Daniel Ho, read Psalm 28: 6-9: 

“Praise be to the Lord, for he has heard my cry for mercy. The Lord is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in him, and he helps me. My heart leaps for joy, and with my song I praise him. The Lord is the strength of his people, a fortress of salvation for his anointed one. Save your people and bless your inheritance; be their shepherd and carry them forever.”

Finally, former faculty member and alumni parent, Jamie Leach, delivered a beautiful speech, reflecting on the many memories and anecdotes of God’s provision during his time at DC. He shared how the presence of God is evident in the lives of the teachers, staff, students, parents, and friends of Delaware County Christian School. The event concluded with remarks and prayer of Thanksgiving from Head of School, Dan Steinfield. 

Attendees stayed after the service to enjoy a bake sale hosted by the World Language Department to raise funds for students at Fountain of Life Christian School in the Dominican Republic, and alumni enjoyed time with one another and catching up with former teachers and classmates.