With Deep Gratitude: The 2024 DC Benefit
The Lord rejoices when we join together to do Kingdom work here on earth. Saturday evening was a beautiful example of our community coming together to support Christian education and to move His message into our greater community by raising up students who will serve Him and impact the world through biblical thought and action. Those in attendance can attest that it was a jaw-dropping evening of generosity, compassion, and fellowship.
We want to thank the countless volunteers, generous sponsors, our guests in attendance, and those bidding from afar. Every task, big or small, every donation, regardless of the amount, and every word of encouragement, brought about an amazing and powerful night of fellowship and fundraising.
This year, during our Call to Heart, we announced two anonymous donors had come forward to offer matches as particular levels were met during the evening. Our community stepped forward with faith. Our goal to raise a total of $120,000 was met in under five minutes and, in fact, was exceeded by more than $360,000! Thank you to the many who participated. Our goal could not have been met and surpassed without the combined generosity of many. The beauty in all of this is that gifts both big and small brought forth the success of the evening. All who participated should be so pleased with their part in making a difference in the lives of our students, faculty, and staff.
Drum Roll Please….
We are pleased to report the evening raised more than $629,000. We are excited to see how God uses these funds to further the mission of DC and His Kingdom! Again, on behalf of the faculty, staff, and students, thank you for making a difference.
Mark your calendars for next year's Benefit - May 3, 2025, when we celebrate 75 years of Delaware County Christian School.