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Celebrating 75 Years of Christian Education

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Ways to Give


path to athletic fields from parking lot

You can support the philanthropic work of Delaware County Christian School in several ways. The Advancement Office welcomes you to consider gifts of time, talent, and financial resources. For more information about our philanthropic work, contact Allison Stinger, Director of Development and Communications/Marketing, at or (610) 353-6522 x2284.

Outright Gifts

girls laughing outside

You can make a direct financial contribution to the school to support academic excellence and enhance the educational experience for all our students. DC accepts outright donations by cash, check, Venmo, or credit card.


three ls boys

To make a more significant gift, one may elect to commit a pledge payable over a given period of time that aligns with the timeline of the campaign which you are supporting. Pledges may be fulfilled via cash, check, credit card, or gifts of security.

Stock Gifts

two graduates of the class of 2024

DC is equipped to process donations of stock or other assets, an easy and attractive option for donors seeking to minimize their capital gains tax liability. To set up a gift of stock or other assets, please contact Allison Stinger, Director of Development and Communications/Marketing at or 610-353-6522 x2284.

Corporate Matching Gifts

three ms students in gazebo

Many companies have established matching gift programs to encourage their employees to give charitably, support their local communities, and participate in civil society. These programs double or even triple the size and potential impact of a donor’s gift and are typically easy to participate in. Please explore your own matching gift options with your employer to ensure that your gift to DC makes the largest possible impact.

Bequests and Legacy Gifts

three upper school students

If you have already included DC in your estate plans, please notify Allison Stinger, Director of Development and Communications/Marketing at or 610-353-6522 x2284.

If you are interested in adding DC to your will as a beneficiary, please talk to your attorney or advisor about your options and contact Allison Stinger at the above email or phone number.

Gifts of Time, Talent, or In-Kind Donations

us student with two lower school students

DC also accepts the generous support of volunteer hours and in-kind donations. If you are interested in making such a donation to DC, please contact Allison Stinger, Director of Development and Communications/Marketing at or 610-353-6522 x2284.

Learn how to get involved

parent volunteering at homecoming

What is the Fund for DC?

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Students in English class outside at lower campus

Make a Gift Now

entrance to lower campus mansion