Interior Page
This page includes instructions for setting up and styling interior pages of your website. Examples are shown to demonstrate how specific elements should appear on the page. Please refer to the Style Guide Page of the Production branch for a complete library of available styles.
Page Setup
- Page Set Up and Appearance
- Hero Image/Video
- Top Banner: Header Links
- Bottom Banner: Footer Information and Links
Page Set Up and Appearance
A default interior page on the website should include a set of banners, and a theme. These banners can be added from the Page Layouts and Appearance menu which can be accessed by clicking the Page Layout icon located next to the Compose button. From the pop up menu, selections can be made from the dropdown menus.
Setting | Value |
Header | default top 2024 |
Left Banner | None |
Right Banner | None |
Footer | default footer 2024 |
Menu | mobile menu 2024 |
Theme | Default 2024 |
Hero Image/Video
An optional Hero Image/Video can be added to any interior page.
- Add a Resource Element to a page
- Hover over the Resource Element and click on the ‘Settings’ cog.
- Adjust the settings to Single
- Click Browse to select an Image/Video
- Click +Design and add the custom class: hero
- Save and Publish
Once the page is published, the the image/video will snap to the banner.
Top Banner: Header Links
top banner Menu links:
Update Header Nav links
- Go to the Nav Utility Links branch in the list of site pages
- Click the page settings
- Click the Linked tab to update the link to the desired location
- Save / Publish
Update Search Menu Icon Buttons
- Go to the Search Nav Icons branch
- Click into a specific page's Page Settings
- Click the Linked tab to update the link to the desired location
- Update Custom Body Class to update the icon for the search menu icon buttons. Additional custom icon classes:
- admissions
- contact-us
- directions
- athletics
- giving
- alumni
- Save / Publish
Update Search Menu Popular Searches Links
- Go to the Search Nav Popular Links branch
- Click into a specific page's Page Settings
- Click the Linked tab to update the link to the desired location
- Save / Publish
Update Main Hamburger Menu - buttons and nav links
- "Visit, Engage, Login" links are managed in the Nav Utility Links branch
- "Calendars, News, Events, Summer" links are managed in the Nav Icon CTA branch
- Update Main Site Navigation - update tier 1 and 2 pages in the main sitemap
- Update the Image associated with each Tier 1 page:
- Go to that Tier 1 page > Page Settings
- Nav Info tab > Update Page Thumbnail
- Save / Publish
Bottom Banner: Footer Information and Links
Footer CTA Links
- These links are managed in the Footer CTA branch
- Set up pages to link to desired internal / external link
- Save/publish page
Footer Logo, Subtitle Text, Address Info, Accreditation Logos
- Go to Banners > Footers > default footer 2024
- Update logo image and text in the Resource Element
- Edit Element Settings
- Browse to select a different version of the logo
- +Design section
- Custom Class: footer-logo
- Header Content: update footer subtitle text
- Update contact and address info in Content Elements
- Update Accreditation Logos
- Each logo is a Resource Element > Single
- Edit Resource Element Settings
- +Link To section > Link Resource > External URL - add in logo's URL
- +Design section > Custom Class: bottom-logo
- Save/publish banner
Update Social Media Icon Links
- These icons are managed in the Social Links branch of the sitemap
- Update Page Settings > Linked > External URl to direct to the school's account URL
- Save/publish page
Update Footer Links
- These links are managed in the Footer Utility Pages branch of the sitemap
- Update pages to link to the internal / external page as needed
- Save/publish page
Content Formatting
Here are instructions for applying the basic styles included in your style guide. The application of most basic composer styles like H tags and hyperlinks are also covered in the Composer Overview training. Some of the styles included in the style guide may require the addition of extra styling or classes .
- Style Guide Introduction
- Lead-In Text
- Add a subheading
- Add a normal hyperlink
- Add a styled button
- Add a quotation with an author citation
- Add a text callout
- Add content cards
- Add a styled table
- Add an image with a caption
- Add a calendar of events
- Add a List of Posts
- Add an Accordion Element
- Add a Tabs Element
- Add A Styled Line Break
Style Guide Introduction
The Style Guide, within the production branch of your website, is a reference page with examples of the available styles on your website. Some elements will be styled properly when added directly to a page; other styles will require that you take extra steps so that they can be viewed properly. For that purpose, each element on your site includes a design panel which allows you to:
- add a custom class (a custom class applies extra CSS and Javascript to an element to make it look or function differently.)
- add a background image
- add a header content
- add footer content
To fully style the elements listed below as well as the elements included on your homepage and enhancements, you may need to access this panel.
PRO TIP: The blue 'Edit content' button allows editing in the main body of an element. If text, buttons or images on an element don't appear to be editable, check the Design tab in the element settings.
Lead-In Text
A ‘lead in’ is a short paragraph at the start of a page with a bold presentation. It is designed to catch the visitor’s attention and ‘lead in’ to the content that follows.
- Add or edit a Content element at the top of the main content area..
- Type in a short text paragraph.
- Highlight the text with your cursor.
- Click on the ‘Styles’ drop-down in the content editor toolbar.
- Select '2024 lead in’ from the dropdown list.
- Save the element updates.
Tip: Lead ins are recommended on every interior page with a text-based introduction to establish a consistent flow to the content throughout your website.
This is example 'Lead-In' styled text. Maecenas faucibus mollis interdum. Praesent commodo cursus magna vel scelerisque nisl consectetur et.
Add a subheading
Headings are recommended to break up pages into concise chunks so that the content is easy to follow. Heading titles should be short and descriptive to help visitors find what they are looking for on the page.
- Add or edit a Content element.
- Type in the title of the subheading.
- Highlight the title with your cursor.
- Click on the ‘Paragraph Format’ button in the content editor toolbar.
- Select the desired heading from the dropdown (e.g. Heading Two).
Note: When choosing a heading tag it is important to follow a logical HTML heading structure. This is beneficial for Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and ensures that your heading is accessibility compliant.
Heading Two
Nullam quis risus eget urna mollis ornare vel eu leo. Sed posuere consectetur est at lobortis. Aenean lacinia bibendum nulla sed consectetur. Nullam quis risus eget urna mollis ornare vel eu leo.
Heading Three
Maecenas sed diam eget risus varius blandit sit amet non magna. Aenean lacinia bibendum nulla sed consectetur. Cras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas eget quam.
Heading Four
Aenean eu leo quam. Pellentesque ornare sem lacinia quam venenatis vestibulum. Aenean lacinia bibendum nulla sed consectetur. Nullam id dolor id nibh ultricies vehicula ut id elit.
Heading Five
Vestibulum id ligula porta felis euismod semper. Aenean eu leo quam. Pellentesque ornare sem lacinia quam venenatis vestibulum. Nullam id dolor id nibh ultricies vehicula ut id elit.
Heading Six
Aenean eu leo quam. Pellentesque ornare sem lacinia quam venenatis vestibulum. Nullam quis risus eget urna mollis ornare vel eu leo. Duis mollis, est non commodo luctus, nisi erat porttitor ligula, eget lacinia odio sem nec elit. Vivamus sagittis lacus vel augue laoreet rutrum faucibus dolor auctor.
Add a normal hyperlink
A link is recommended instead of a button when it forms part of a sentence or paragraph in your content. Links display in the website’s primary color with an underline.
- Add or edit a Content element.
- Type in the text label for the link.
- Highlight the text label with your cursor.
- Click on the ‘Link’ button in the content element toolbar and choose ‘Add Link’.
- Add a link in the ‘Link Properties’ window
- Save the element settings and publish the page.
Important: When inserting a link, choose a meaningful title that clearly identifies its purpose without the need for any additional context. This ensures it is clear and accessible to visitors. Avoid non-descriptive titles such as ‘click here’ or ‘read more’.
Link Example
Add a styled button
A style button is the best formatting choice for important links to pages, downloads and external websites that should stand out visually on the page.
- Small and large buttons will have the same color options.
- Button style are additive, i.e. for a large blue button, in the link editor apply the '2024 button-default' '2024 button large' styles.
- Button style combinations are listed in the text of each button below.
Creating a Basic Button
- Add or edit a Content element.
- Type in the text label for the link.
- Highlight the text label with your cursor.
- Click on the ‘Link’ button in the content element toolbar and choose ‘Add Link’.
- Add a link in the ‘Link Properties’ window
- Click on the ‘Class’ drop-down and select one of the colored button styles outlined below.
- (Optional) Add the Full Width Button Class
- Save the element updates.
By default, the width of a button is determined by the length of its text label. Button treatments that include a border as part of their styling can optionally be set to display at the full-width of the available space.
Large buttons with subtext
As an additional feature, large buttons can also include subtext.
- Type the text label and subtext on one line
- Highlight the subtext
- Click the Italics button in the editor
- Select the 'link' tool in the editor
- Follow instructions to create a link
- Select the colored button class + the large button class
- Save
Buttons & Links
Add a quotation with an author citation
The blockquote tool in the content editor toolbar is the best choices for text-based quotes and testimonials throughout interior pages. This can optionally include an author citation at the bottom of the quote.
- Type in the quotation.
- Optionally press the return key and type in the name of the author.
- Highlight both the quotation and author citation with your cursor.
- Click on the ‘Block quote’ button in the content editor toolbar.
- Now highlight the author citation only with your cursor.
- Click on the ‘Styles’ drop-down in the content editor toolbar.
- Select ‘Citation’ from the dropdown list. Select bold for name.
- Save the element updates.
Tip: If you cannot see the ‘Block quote’ icon button in the content editor toolbar, click on the arrow toggle at the far right of the toolbar to display the full set of controls available.
Primary Blockquote Style - use the quotation mark icon in the formatting menu
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit posuere lacinia tellus, lectus luctus felis potenti iaculis vulputate odio curabitur.
Author Name
Grade 6
Secondary Blockquote Style - select "2024 blockquote secondary" from the Style dropdown
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit posuere lacinia tellus, lectus luctus felis potenti iaculis vulputate odio curabitur.
Author Name
"2024 Blockquote Yellow"
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit parturient, metus massa taciti rhoncus conubia habitant velit mattis, accumsan montes lobortis odio luctus integer varius.
"2024 Blockquote Blue"
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit parturient, metus massa taciti rhoncus conubia habitant velit mattis, accumsan montes lobortis odio luctus integer varius.
Add a text callout
A callout is an eye-catching text excerpt or styled panel that can be used to draw attention to an important message in the sidebar or main content area.
- Add or edit a Content Element in the main content area or sidebar.
- Type in a short text paragraph.
- Highlight the text with your cursor.
- Click on the ‘Styles’ drop-down in the content editor toolbar.
- Select one of the callout styles from the dropdown list:
- 2024 Callout
- 2024 Callout - Secondary
- 2024 Callout Yellow
- 2024 Callout Blue
- Save the element updates.
Praesent commodo cursus magna, vel scelerisque nisl consectetur et. Curabitur blandit tempus porttitor. Sed posuere consectetur est at lobortis. Maecenas sed diam eget risus varius blandit sit amet non fusce dapibus tellus ac cursus commodo, tortor mauris.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit, congue curabitur urna tincidunt consequat curae vestibulum, metus fames eleifend nam netus id.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit, congue curabitur urna tincidunt consequat curae vestibulum, metus fames eleifend nam netus id.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit, congue curabitur urna tincidunt consequat curae vestibulum, metus fames eleifend nam netus id.
Add content cards
A callout box is a Content element that displays as a visually engaging box for highlighting an important message on the page. It displays text content with an optional image at the top and is available in dark and light color treatments.
There are two ways to add custom callouts to a page.
- Copy the desired callout from the production branch and paste it onto the desired page
- Add a content element to a page, then add the custom class to the element settings. The class options are:
- card light
- card dark
- card primary
- card secondary
- card accent
- card grey
- card accent-2
- card accent-3
- card accent-4
- Add class: equal-height after any color class to several custom content cards in a multi-column layout element
To add, change or remove the photo:
- Click the element settings
- Click +Design
- Go to the header content area to add, remove or replace an image
- Click the image in the editor to add an image
- Click to Delete an existing image
- Double Click to replace an existing image
Click the blue "Edit Content" button to change the main body copy
Add a styled table
The styled table formatting option is recommended for all tables added to interior pages on the website to establish a visually-engaging and consistent presentation:
- Add or edit a Content element.
- Click on the ‘Table’ button in the content element toolbar.
- Set the desired number of rows and columns
- Select ‘First Row’ from the ‘Headers’ dropdown
- Set ‘Border Size’, ‘Cell Padding’ and ‘Cell Spacing’ to ‘0’.
- Set ‘Width’ to ‘100%’
- Click on the ‘Class’ drop-down in the ‘Table Properties' window and select ‘2024 table styled' from the dropdown.
- Click on the ‘OK’ button and populate the table data
- Save the element updates.
Important: Always apply the ‘table-styled’ style using the ‘Class’ dropdown in the ‘Table Properties’ window. Avoid using the ‘Styles’ dropdown in the content editor toolbar to achieve this because it may apply the style to the wrong part of the table and could result in an incorrect presentation.
Note: Tables must only be used for tabular data and are not recommended for laying out content. Please use the Layout element for this instead to ensure the content displays effectively on all devices.
Highlighting the table and right clicking will bring up additional table properties that can be used to adjust the table.
Last Name | First Name | Middle Name |
Smith | John | Mark |
Smith | John | Mark |
Add an image with a caption
- Click on ‘Add Element’ in the main content area or sidebar.
- Select the ‘Resource' in the pop-up window.
- Click on the ‘Browse’ button within the ‘Single’ tab in the ‘Edit Resource Element Settings’ window.
- Choose or upload a new photo in Resources.
- Open the ‘Image’ section inside the ‘Edit Resource Element Settings’ window.
- If you would like to display the description added with the image when it was uploaded to Resources, leave the ‘Default Description’ tab selected. If you would like to display a custom description, select on the ‘Custom’ tab and add a short text description in the content editor provided.
- Save the element settings and publish the page.
Add a calendar of events
The Calendar element lets you display event information from the Calendar Manager on the pages in your website.
If you don’t have any events in the Calendar manager, we recommend adding one or more events first. To learn how to do this, please read our Knowledge Base article on Uploading Calendar Events.
To add add a list calendar to a page:
- Click on Add Element and add a Calendar element from the Module tab in the Add Element window.
- Hover over the new element and click on the gear icon in the top-right corner.
- Click on the List tab at the top of the Edit Calendar Element Settings window.
- Add a new title to the Title field. If a title is not required, click on the blue toggle to the right of the field to hide it.
- Click on + General Settings.
- Click on the Calendars dropdown and select the desired calendars.
- Optionally update the field specifying the number of event items to display.
- Click on the Save button at the bottom of the Edit Calendar Element Settings window.
Tip: The Calendar element has a wide range of content options and display settings. We recommend trying out different combinations to find the best fit for your needs.
Add a List of Posts
The Post element lets you display posts from boards and/or collections in the Posts module on the pages in your website.
If you don’t have any posts in the Posts module, we recommend adding one or more posts first. To learn how to do this, please read our Knowledge Base article on how to Getting Started with Posts.
To add a list of posts to a page:
- Add a Post element from the Module tab in the Add Element window.
- Hover over the new element and click on the gear icon in the top-right corner.
- Click on the List tab at the top of the Edit Post Element Settings window.
- Add a new title to the Title field. If a title is not required, click on the blue toggle to the right of the field to hide it.
- Click on + Content Filters.
- Click on the ‘Select Board’ button and choose one or more boards that you want to display in this Post list.
- Click on + Content Details.
- Tick the checkboxes for the content you want to display for each post in the list.
- Click on + Pop-up Details in the Edit Post Element Settings window.
- Tick the content details you would like to include in the post pop-up or page that displays when the visitor clicks on the post to read more.
- Click on + Formatting
- Optionally update the field specifying the number of posts on display in the list.
- Click on the Save button at the bottom of the Edit Post Element Settings window.
Note: By default, the full content of a post will open in a pop-up, but you also have the option to open each post on a dedicated page. This makes it easier to link to and is also beneficial for Search Engine Optimization (SEO). Learn more about how to set up a Post page in our Knowledge Base article on how to Build a Posts Page.
Tip: The Posts element offers a wide range of options and display settings to suit your needs. We recommend testing out different combinations to find the best fit for your content.
Add an Accordion Element
The Accordion element lets you organize large amounts of content over a series of vertically-stacked panels that can be shown or hidden by the visitor. Splitting information using this element makes it easier for the visitor to explore.
To add an Accordion element:
- Add an Accordion element from the Layout section in the Add Element window. This will insert an accordion with one panel that has the title ‘New Panel’.
- Hover over the panel title and click on the gear icon to the right of it.
- Click into the Title field in the Edit Panel Element Settings window to add a new title for your panel and click on the Save button.
- Click on the panel title displaying on the page to open the panel content area
- Populate the panel with new content. This can include one or more elements of any type and includes an empty Content element by default to get you started.
- Click on the Add Panel button at the bottom of the Accordion element to add a second panel.
- Repeat steps 2 to 6 for each panel required.
Note: To learn more about the Accordion element, please read our Knowledge Base article on how to Customise an Accordion or Tabs Element.
Tip: Accordions are best suited to content that can be divided up easily with the flexibility for longer titles. A good example of this could be a set of questions and answers on a ‘Frequently Asked Questions’ page. They will also work well in narrower spaces.
Add a Tabs Element
The Tabs element lets you organize a large amount of content into a series of panels that occupy the same space on the page. Splitting up information using this element makes it easier for the visitor to explore.
To add a Tabs element:
- Add a Tabs element from the Layout section in the Add Element window. This will insert a tabs element with one panel that has the title New Panel.
- Hover over the panel title and click on the gear icon to the right of it.
- Click into the Title field in the Edit Panel Element Settings window to add a new title for your panel and click on the Save button.
- Populate the panel with new content. This can include one or more elements of any type and includes an empty Content element by default to get you started.
- Click on the Add Tab button to add a second panel to the set of tabs.
- Repeat steps 2 to 6 for each panel required.
Tip: Tabs are best suited to content split over a smaller number of panels with short titles. If the number of tabs exceeds one row on desktop screen resolutions, consider using an Accordion element to organize the content instead.
Note: Tabs will automatically display as accordions on mobile phones and other narrow devices to improve ease of use for the visitor.
To learn more about the Tabs element, please read our Knowledge Base article on how to Customise an Accordion or Tabs Element.